Thursday, 9 April 2009


You have a bad day. Everything is wrong. You think noone likes you, noone cares for you. And than the miracle's just knocking: your friend calles you. That friend you couldn't meet for 3 months. He just calles you to tell your birthday message made his day and he's free for the night. You have to answer him you can't today but you'll have off next week. Thanks God he has on the same day, so you have a deal: you'll spend that day together.
You can't stop smiling :) Even if you have to work and top up those glasses 'cause you know there's a person who likes you and missed you. You finish your work have your bottle of wine and don't want to go home. So you walk a bit and smile. And you're surprised: the people on the street smile back.
This happened to me today. I know it's not a big thing but when you're down those calls, messages, winks, smiles you don't expect can make the world alive again.

1 comment:

LiOn HeArTeD GuY said...

For sure it can, they make life much better. for all those things we can't bare... there's always a friend, a loved one to take care of us... of our feelings, even without even knowing what's really going on. Like you do to me, and your friend did to you today! :D
Thank you beautiful!